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Meet our team

Jonathan Earle Photo
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Jonathan Earle

Jonathan Earle


Portfolio Manager, Manulife Wealth Inc.

B.Sc., P.Eng, MBA, CFP®, CIM®

In 2011, Jon left a successful career as a Professional Engineer, where he worked on asset management and business improvement projects, to join Bell Financial. The driving force behind this change was to work closely with clients and help improve their lives through sound financial planning and advice.

Along with the support of his team, Jon won the Distinguished Young Advisor Award in 2017, a national award recognizing strength across eight criteria, and was a guest speaker for the DAC Conference in Kelowna, BC. In 2020, Jon was one of 32 nominees chosen for the Investment Industry Association of Canada's (IIAC) Top Under 40 award. The IIAC support over 30,000 licensed professionals across Canada. He enjoys learning as well as sharing what he has learned and has participated as a guest speaker for many financial services industry events.  

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Jon believes in the importance of staying connected to his community and spent over 8 years leveraging his professional strengths as a volunteer board member for the Rose of Sharon, a local not-for-profit assisting young mothers and their children. For this work, Jon has received Outstanding Volunteer Achievement recognition several times, from the Government of Canada and the Newmarket-Aurora local MP.

Jon is a licensed Portfolio Manager and Insurance Agent. He has Bachelor of Science in Engineering from the University of Guelph and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Wilfred Laurier University. He holds a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) and Chartered Investment Manager (CIM) designation.  

His focus will continue to be helping people and growing Bell Financial sustainably through the core values of integrity and service that the organization was founded on in 1996. Jon currently lives in Holland Landing with his wife, Leah, and two boys Rowan, and Callum, who all bring energy and optimism to his life every day.  


Nick Earle Photo
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Nick Earle

Nick Earle

Financial Advisor, Manulife Wealth Inc.
Insurance Advisor Assistant, Bell Financial Inc.

B.Sc., CIM®

In his current role as Financial Advisor Associate, Nick provides financial planning support to Bill and Jon's clients. His dedicated knowledge of the business allows him to assist to clients in all aspects of the products and services we provide, with a focus on investment products.

In his spare time, Nick is an avid golfer who enjoys painting


David Frank Photo
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David Frank

David Frank

Group Benefits, Bell Financial Inc.

Wisdom: the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgement; the quality of being wise
-Oxford English Dictionary

Does being born back in 1960 automatically bestow the current version of David Frank with wisdom? Of course not. But the accumulation of life experiences has offered him the privilege of hindsight, and through this portal David has learned much about the quality of relationships with people he cares about.

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David has learned, sometimes as a result of mistakes both small and large, that listening, considering, caring and advocating for others must come before acting on what he believes is correct. Over time, The Golden Rule has become more than words thrown casually about in conversation; they’ve become words to live by.

Though not always successful (he is still learning and making mistakes, after all), David tries to extend the practice of treating others as he wishes to be treated beyond family and friends and into his business relationships. Since 1986, David has built an intimate, successful employee benefits advisory practice with a select number of organizations that value his experience and knowledge. His clients also benefit from Bell Financial’s long-standing affiliation with Benefits Alliance (BA), Canada’s Leading National Alliance of Independent Employee Benefits Advisors.

The collaborative nature of BA allows David to access the collective knowledge and resources of many of the top advisory firms in the country, which he believes in turn offers his clients the best of both worlds: a highly personal, one-on-one relationship, combined with broad access to many of the leading minds and services in the employee benefits and group retirement industry.

Although David would never claim to be wise (there are many mountains to be climbed before he reaches that lofty perch), he will admit that, over the passage of time, he’s learned a thing or two about how to meet the needs of the people he cares about. Above all else, he understands that love, trust and respect must be earned by showing up, time and time again. This is a commitment he’s made to his family, to his friends and to his clients.

Like life, David Frank is a work in progress. He strives to listen better, to be kinder, more caring, smarter. That’s the goal, anyway.


William Bell Photo
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William Bell

William Bell

Founder & Insurance Agent, Bell Financial Inc.
Portfolio Manager, Manulife Wealth Inc.


Bill is the founder of Bell Financial, starting the business in 1996 with the belief that financial planning should inspire people to pursue and realize their most important dreams.  And in building Bell Financial into the thriving company that it is today Bill has realized one of his most important dreams.  

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In high school Bill decided to become a teacher – and after graduating from the University of Waterloo with a B.Math in 1980, and then Brock University with a B.Ed in 1981, Bill landed a job in a very tight market for teachers at Rosseau Lake College in Muskoka where he and Ellen became house parents to a group of boys barely younger than themselves.

Bill grew up in Bradford and his family owned and operated a hardware store where he worked on and off throughout high school and university. He also started a disc-jockey business in grade twelve and ran that business until he began teaching in 1981. It’s not surprising then, that after four years of teaching, Bill was pulled by his entrepreneurial spirit and he joined the Paul Revere Life Insurance Company, mostly in pursuit of sales training. What he thought would be a short stint turned into an eleven-year run, and for the last six of those years Bill was General Manager of one of the largest disability insurance offices in Canada garnering respect as one of Canada’s most respected authorities in the disability insurance marketplace.

In 1996 Bill started over one more time, joining Manulife Wealth Inc. under the Bell Financial brand with his unique vision of what financial planning should be, and a belief that principles and not profits should be the guideposts for the company. The first office opened in Aurora in early 1997, moving into the present location in 1999. Bill hired Sonia in early 1997, and Gloria who had worked with Bill throughout his tenure at Paul Revere joined the team in 2001. Both are still with the company, underscoring another of Bill’s guiding principles – that working with or for Bell Financial should be rewarding and enjoyable.

Bill’s second teachable was English, and he has put his abilities to write and communicate to good use with countless articles on a variety of topics – some related to the world of money or insurance, and many, personal observations on the human condition. Most often Bill’s stories – often touching and emotional – speak to the values and people he holds most dear. Bill has also published two books. Simple Money (2007) is a simple yet powerful guidebook in search for true wealth with a refreshing perspective on the financial tools we use. One Step to Wealth (2000) is a provocative and intriguing look at our often distorted view of money and a sharp reminder of the importance of knowing what we want. Over the years Bill has often found himself in front of audiences, large and small, delivering simple yet powerful and inspiring messages about financial services, and life.

Bill and Ellen sold Bell Financial in mid 2022 to son-in-law Jon and daughter Leah. But Bill remains actively involved with the company in many ways and intends to stick around for as long as he remains useful. And, in his mission to bring financial planning to the lives of Canadians Bill has found himself working as a Consultant with Manulife directly as they push further in the same direction.

Bill is an avid photographer, and his photos are a staple of the Bell Financial brand, used in our greeting cards, on our website and in our newsletter. His children will tell you that their lives are well-documented. He is also an avid, albeit average, golfer – another time-consuming activity that is fortunately limited to summer.

Bill and Ellen and have been married since May 1981 and have three daughters, and five grandchildren. They bought and renovated a home in Holland Landing in 2020 where they now live.


Sonia Colhoun Photo
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Sonia Colhoun

Sonia Colhoun

Office Manager, Bell Financial Inc.
Client Sales Assistant, Manulife Wealth Inc.


Our office manager, Sonia joined Bill in early 1997, shortly after Bell Financial was founded, and has been in charge of all administration services ever since. Most of us credit Sonia with setting the tone of our office, which you all know to be very efficient and most congenial.

Sonia is married to Rob and they have two children, Patrick and Thomas.


Gloria Fragomeni Photo
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Gloria Fragomeni

Gloria Fragomeni

Administrative Assistant, Manulife Wealth Inc.


Gloria's primary role is that of Bill's assistant. She knows Bill well, having worked with him for 12 years with a major disability insurance company. Gloria joined Bell Financial in 2001 to help keep Bill organized and busy, and instantly became an invaluable asset.

Gloria is married to Cosimo, a pharmacist, and they have one child, Daniel. 


Liz Bondi Photo
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Liz Bondi

Liz Bondi

Group Benefits Administrator, Bell Financial Inc.

Liz joined Bell Financial in December 2008 and has assumed the role of Group Benefits & Insurance Administrator, looking after the needs of our many group businesses. Her ability to learn quickly and pleasant personality have led to many compliments from happy clients.

Liz is a graduate of Guelph University and lives with her young family nearby in Barrie.


Brittany Wolff Photo
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Brittany Wolff

Brittany Wolff

INVESTMENT ADVISOR, Manulife Wealth Inc.


Brittany completed her undergraduate degree in Business Administration at Bishop’s University. She has been working in the financial services industry for over 7 years and is always looking to broaden her expertise in the field. She enjoys learning new things and keeping up to date with industry changes and trends.

In 2018 Brittany started working with our administration team, and has progressed to an associate advisor role, working with Jon and Nick to support our clients, and grow Bell Financial sustainably through the core values of integrity and service that the organization was founded on. She is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) and Chartered Investment Manager (CIM®) who helps individuals navigate the ever-changing stages of their financial life through education and empathy. Brittany is a licensed investment advisor and life insurance advisor who believes financial literacy is of utmost importance for all, and that through education, Canadians can build confidence in their financial knowledge. She particularly enjoys working with younger clients to teach them the skills they need to set themselves up for long-term financial security.

Brittany knows that investment planning is not a one-size-fits-all approach and strives to focus on providing solutions that best fit each of her client’s individual needs. She begins by connecting with clients to identify their goals and then works with them to create an investment plan that maps out a journey to achieving these goals. Through regular meetings and check-ins, she helps keep clients on track and accountable. Brittany believes that the relationship between a investment advisor and a client is one of partnership, built on trust, respect, and mutual commitment. She takes great pride in creating lasting relationships to guide her clients through the many stages of their financial lives.

In her free time Brittany enjoys skiing, golfing, and playing with her puppy. She also loves a good mystery book or podcast. She currently lives in Newmarket with her partner, Joe, and their mischievous chocolate labradoodle, Gouda.


Denise Madden Photo
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Denise Madden

Denise Madden

Marketing Assistant, Manulife Wealth Inc.

With nearly two decades of experience in financial accounting and analysis Denise has quickly become an asset to the Bell Financial team. Denise graduated from the University of Western Ontario with a BA in Economics. She got her life licence in 2015 and brings this valuable knowledge to our team. Denise lives in Newmarket with husband Dean and children Hannah & Rhys. She enjoys long walks and volunteering in her community.


Tia Lange Photo
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Tia Lange

Tia Lange

Administraive Assistant, Manulife Wealth Inc.

Tia started her career as a radio host in the music industry. She is a Seneca College alumnus where she studied radio broadcasting. Since graduating, she happily changed career paths to work in administration in the financial industry. Outside of work she is a part-time old soul who loves to bake and knit and a part-time exotic zookeeper who collects and rescues reptiles. Her greatest inspiration is a challenge and she love to learn.


Ashley Lowe Photo
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Ashley Lowe




Ashley holds a bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology and Health Science from York University. After working in the physical rehabilitation field for a couple of years, she decided to transition to a career in finance. She now works full-time on the administration team at Bell Financial and is also studying finance on a part-time basis at Fanshawe College. Outside of work and study, Ashley enjoys staying active at the gym, participating in outdoor activities such as skiing and hiking, and attending concerts and music festivals.


Leah Earle Photo
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Leah Earle

Leah Earle

Social Media Marketing manager

& bookkeeper, Bell Financial Inc

Leah is a Guelph alumnus whose work history includes time as a waitress, a party coordinator, and briefly as a pirate. She has a post-graduate degree in video journalism and previously worked in corporate video.

As Bill and Ellen's eldest daughter this isn't the first position Leah has taken at Bell Financial but it is the first that doesn't involve allowance. Leah is not only the book keeper and media manager at Bell Financial but also is kept busy helping support the business in any way she can.

When Leah isn't working she's usually found having a wild dance party or playing Minecraft with her two crazy boys Rowan and Callum.

Almost forgot she is also married to Jon.
