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Bell Financial has been sending out a snail mail newsletter since '99. What most people find surprising about our newsletter is that in it we don't talk shop at all. We share stories, experiences, and revelations we have in our day-to-day lives. It's kind of like chicken soup for the Bell Financial soul (but better).

Here you will not only find our latest issue but also an archive of all our previous ones. This could keep you busy for days... Enjoy!


Are you in search of the perfect summer cocktail? Are you dying to know what the Bell Financial gang has been up to? You can find out all that and more in the summer issue of possibilities. Just click here.

Spring 2024

After a tragic loss in the Bell family, Bill shares a deeply personal article about finding yourself after a death.

To balance out such a heavy article, enjoy the rest of this issue about birds. It's amazing as you age how quickly the pastime of bird watching creeps up on you!

Read it here.

Winter 2023

Another year almost over and another holiday season in full swing. In this issue of Possibilities Bill shares a messy holiday tradition, Jon has a solution for you if you're stuck on a problem, and David shares his dream for the new year. Also in this issue the Bell Financial team in merry revelry and a great weeknight family dinner recipe.

Check it all out here.

FALL 2023

Fall had all of us at Bell Financial thinking about time and memories. Does the crisp air and falling leaves make you think about these things too? Read the latest issue of possibilities here.

Newsletter Archive

Looking for some of our older newsletters?

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