The Shiny Attraction of GICs
GICs are in the spotlight – attracting the attention of not only former GIC investors, but everyone. Should you be jumping on the GIC bandwagon? That depends.
GICs are in the spotlight – attracting the attention of not only former GIC investors, but everyone. Should you be jumping on the GIC bandwagon? That depends.
I don’t generally make New Year’s resolutions, but if I did, one for this year would be “do nothing.” Sounds lazy, doesn’t it? Let me add some context so that you aren’t just imagining me sitting on my couch for the entire year. It’s my new year’s resolution for my investments.
Argh me matey! Where be the map to your booty?
People think that you only need a will if you have lots of money and/or if you really want to control who gets what when you’re gone. The fact is, as soon as you have some financial assets of any amount, you should consider doing a will, even if it’s just a simple and inexpensive one to start.
Some people do their own taxes, some people manage their own investments, and some people don’t know where to find their bank balance. There are countless resources available online that will help you get smarter and savvier with your money. Here are 3 online resources that are user-friendly, informative, and that can be trusted to give you honest and helpful information.